Loas...the unexpected beauty words

Sabadee!!! Words cannot explain the beauty I saw in this country. I went not knowing what to expect and I was very pleased :) . I loved every minute that I spent in Laos. Mind you some past travels have not been smart and has made Laos put on a curfew for everyone so everything shuts down at about 1130 at night ..... First day - April 20th The day we crossed the Thailand boarder to get to Laos. To do this we had to take a bus to a big river , the mankong river. You are then too get on a boat to cross over to Laos area. Once there we had to fill out the wonderful paper work that we do once a week at this point in our travel ... I have now memorized my pass port number haha. After filling out the paper work you then have to wait around for your visa. The visa was about 30 US dollars. Good thing I had that currency on me because they wanted US dollars. Once getting our visa we went to find the office for the Gibbon Experience! Once there we filled out our will paper work ;) we ...