Jeju ... Chillin on volcanic rock!

Jeju was amazing! There was so much to do and I wish we had more than 3 days to do more! I think Stephanie and I chose to do some awesome things in the days we had. Our first day we woke up at 7 am to get ready for our big hike up mt Hallasan. Hallasan is a shield volcano on Jeju Island of South Korea. Hallasan is the highest mountain in South Korea. The area around the mountain is a designated national park, the Hallasan National Park (Hallasan Gungnip Gongwon/한라산국립공원). Hallasan is commonly considered to be one of the three main mountains of South Korea, with Jirisan and Seoraksan being the other two. After this hike, Stephanie and I could not walk very well.
We ended at 430pm ... It was an awesome hike just difficult

Next day, got our hurt bodies out of bed And went to Loveland! This was a place of sexual statues. I have never seen anything like it. It was like an adult playground. We then get on a bus to go to the lava tube. There are many so we decided to go to one of the bigger ones, Manjanggul cave. We went and learned a lot about lave and the tubes they flowed in. It was very interesting. The coolest thing I learned was how you are able to see the different highest of the lava flow by looking at the side walls. It kind of reminded me of rings on a cup when drinking coffee. It leaves the rings around your cup from the last level it was at.

We stayed at rainbow in jeju. This hostel was very nice. Some could not speak English well. Every night after dinner Stephanie and I would get some drinks , snacks and Ice and just chill at the hostel. It was very homey. We had to ice our joints from all the hiking we did every day. It sucks getting older :-/ . WE LOVED JEJU! ........

We are now here to celebrate our last weekend in pohang :-(... Doing my last good bye... It is not going to be a easy weekend / week. I am excited to build some more memories with these amazing people before leaving. I will never forget these people that have greatly impacted my life in such great ways!


  1. I love the art work!!! I think i want to get a few of those pieces for my house. Not sure how I would explain what they are when Reegan and Fletcher ask, but we can cross that bridge when we get there.

    So happy you guys are making the most of your trip. You will have some great memories of this time in your life. LOVE YOU SISTER


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