Bali full of smiles and beauty

I got to the Bali airport HOURS before my flight to Jakarta because of my friends flight schedule. So as I sit here at the Starbucks in the Bali airport, I think of my trip to Bali and I am left with nothing but a smile. Bali was full of people that work very very hard for practically nothing but still love life and always have a smile on their face. The culture was so warm and welcoming. The only thing I wish I did differently is to go diving but I ran out of time!

We went around most of the island seeing different areas within our 8 days here! We started in the southern part of the island Pecatu. We sat on the beach with huge waves and watched surfers and sat at out pool and bungalow for the first 4 days. It was a lot of R&R. Something that we had not done in a long long time :) . While there Ryan (Stephanie's bro) and I rented motor bikes because that is the only way to get into town from where we were. Taxi was only for longer distances and needed to reserve. Let me just add that in Bali they dive on the left handside and the steering wheel is on the right side of the car. When on the scooter I fallowed Ryan through the Bali hills. It was absolutely beautiful driving around. Driving on the left side quickly became 2nd nature to me and I was able to enjoy the beauty around me and the fresh air! Don't worry mom, I wore my helmet! I was very careful!

After the ATM, Ryan and I decide to find this beach that was supposed to be down the road ... We drive for a while longer and end up at the huge temple instead! We stop pay I get in to Uluwatu temple. We then are taken by a woman into the temple. As we walk I see monkeys run up to people and steal their flip flops! It was hilarious but also scary ! I was not very scared cuz the woman that lead us had a sling shot in hand ready to fight for our shoes or what ever else the monkeys wanted! We saw the sun set at the temple then left shortly after. We drive home safely.

We then drive to Ubud. This is the place where Eat, Pray, Love was filmed. It was full or art and culture! I loved this place. We only stayed one night. The restaurants were amazing and full of live music. That day we visited the money forest and saw so many monkeys. They just walk right up 2 u! It was crazy! In this adventure I didn't see anyone lose any shoes ;) . Our room was not very nice this night but it was only one night !

Next day early! We are off with a hired driver named I Made Agus Sutyawan. He was amazing! And if you ever go to Ubud , Bali . Look him up! We agreed to have him drive us to a temple up north, Pura Ulun Danu Tample. On our way there he taught us much about the Bali culture! 2 hours later we got to the temple it was beautful and was surrounded by mountains and water.

We then got back in the car and he drove us to Amed. This was about a 3 hour drive through many different villages . I was beautiful to see! We get to Amed around dinner time and Made , our driver, asked us if we wanted to do the volcano hike for sunrise. We say yes! He gave us a better deal then the hotel!

He says met me here at 1130 pm and I will drive you! We left took a 2 hour nap and got up to do a 4 hour hike up a mountian. Little did we know that this mountain was more than a hike! He told us to bring a jacket. I bring the very light rain jacket that I have. Thinking it was plenty cuz Bali has tropical weather! That was not the case once rock climbing with a head lamp on at 3 am! I was hot when moving but when we stopped I got cold quick because of the sweat ... During this hike I find out this is the tallest mountain in Bali! It is all uphill about 3,142 m tall! Once at the top the sunrise was amazing! The way Down was so hard on my knees it took a little lover 4 hours to get down! It was done tho!

The last day or so was just another R&R .. Our next bungalow was really nice and right on the beach!

The last day we took scooters into town to find an ATM again. No dice . But while on my bike I got stopped and I was the. Right in the middle of a religious celebration that was kinda out of control It was so awesome to see. I wish I took out my camera but I was on my bike and I was not sure when they were going to tell me to move cuz they were trying to move me and my scooter through people . They were directing me at times in their language and it was all just another learning experience ! I have realized that Bali is very religious. And they make sure they thank their god everyday for water , fire and air because if they didn't have those things they would not be able to live!

I hope to maybe visit Bali once again! And the next time I will go diving :) ...

Here I come Jakarta!


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