Thailand. The land of PAD THAI!!

I am once again at a internet cafe in Loas. I need to play catch up with my entries. I have been so busy that because my iTouch went missing/stolen in beginning of Thailand my entries have been few and far between. I have only 30 minutes to tell you all about the land of Pad Thai, Thailand!!! On the first day we started at a good cheep hostel called Southern Fried Rice. This is were we met up with Stephaine and her older brother. We then walked around town and saw Kata beach. We sat and talked on the beach and watched the sunset. Life is hard, I know. . . After this we decided to go to this putt putt golf. We drank beers while venturing around this course. After golf we went for dinner. Chrisitie and I were both very very tired from traveling for about 2 straight days to get to Thailand. So we went home and slept. We then got up early to take a bus to the port. We were to then get on a boat to get to Phi Phi island. Have you seen the movie , "The Beach?" parts of this movie was filmed at a island very close to Phi Phi land. When we arrived to Phi Phi island we realized we where already doomed because of the shopping!!! Ryan, Stephinies older brother, had already left us the night before. It was just us 3 girls on this island.

Phi Phi island was amazing.!! The water was amazing and the people were nice. I only ran into one problem when I left my itouch behind in an resturant for a bit and came back to retreave it, it was gone and no one at the place really could speak to me about it. It was very strange but I moved on. It is replaceable. On phi phi island there is lots of bars and parting places. There is a place and Christie and I went to that have girls box eachother in a ring. !! this was funny to watch until many men were trying to get Christie and I to fight eachother! We decided to leave shortly after this... I also went on 2 dives in Phi Phi Island and had a great time. They were great dives but the second one was better! On the second one I dove with some sea turtles. I also saw some great colorful ref walls.

On the last day on this island we just hung out on a beach and swam. We then got back on a boat towards to Phuket. We decided that being in the same area we where before the island would be better for SongKran festival!! This is a Thai New years festival where they buy water guns and shot you with water and buckets of water... if you do not like to get wet or you are not a good sport about it.... Dont go to Thailand on Songkran! This was one of the funnest days I have had yet! ALL of Thailand celebrates by one huge water fight! Chiang Mai is where the festival happens the biggest and lasts the longest. 2 days later Christie and I fly to Chaing Mai. We met up with one of my friends from home , Jessica Haskin!!! That was great fun then we prepared ourselfs to get WET! We knew that this town was still celebrating so we wanted to go see how much crazier it is from Phuket. WOWW! Once seen this was ridiculous  there were foam parties in the street so many buckets of water thrown on you. . . i Could go on and on about it! It was fun but we started to get tired of being wet and having water thrown on to us. We went back.

Before time runs out , the next big thing that I did in Chaing Mai was Elephant Trekking! This was a great experience. We made sure we went to a program taht does not abuse their elephants. This was a good group.. I go to wash the elepehants in the morning then ride them in the day. It was a great time. Elephants are wonderful animals and doing this just helped me appreciated them and learn more about them.

I forgot to say that we also did a cooking class in Thailand. This was also fun! we met lots of new people while doing this and made some awesome food that we all got to eat and enjoy. Then after all of our hard work we got a cook book! I cannot wait to go home and make some Delicious food for everyone! :)


  1. Fleeter - love reading about your travel adventures. Please update soon. Glad you arrived safe in India. Love Dad


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