In B A L I !!!

Singapore was a bast! It reminded me so much of home and it was good to have that feeling after teaching and not being home for about 7 months... It was way 2 expensive! Food was the same amount or more than at home! A beer on happy hour was about 6 dollars! Spending st . Patty's there was also epic! Although spending 2 much money on food and drinks it was well worth it! We went to universal studio park there and it was super busy but when we got there it was down poring with rain! We walked around getting very wet from the rain as everyone stayed off the rides we went on them with very little of a wait! We then went home and relaxed and got ready to go out for dinner then to celebrate st Patrick's day! We went out and had a good night for our last night in Singapore! Off to Bali! ....... I am in Bali! As I type this it is 9 at night and I am sitting by the pool. I am listening to the crickets and nature! It is so peaceful. It is much different from Singapore. It reminds me...